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Cancellation Policy and Refund

In the event of cancellation of tour/travel services due to any unavoidable reason, Ritzy Dunes must be notified of the same in writing. Cancellation charges would be as follows:

45 days prior to arrival: 30% of the service cost
30 days prior to arrival OR no show: no refund
In case you cancel the trip after commencement, the refund will be restricted to a limited amount. This amount would depend on the amount that Ritzy Dunes would be able to recover from suppliers.

Ritzy Dunes will not pay any compensation for changes due to natural disasters, strikes, war, blockades, demonstrations, workforce dispute or interruption, earthquakes, climatic conditions or acts or restrictions imposed by local authorities or government.

Once program is confirmed, we will require 30% of the total cost. This payment is non-refundable. Balance payment is required 30 days before arrival.

Can Find Us Here

27 Augusta Trl, Palm Coast, FL 32137, USA.