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Terms and Conditions

When you make a booking with Ritzy Dunes you are confirming that you understand and have accepted, on behalf of yourself and all members of your party, the terms and conditions laid out on this document. Once you have made the booking, the following terms and conditions apply:

  • Final payment: Once the itinerary is confirmed, Ritzy Dunes will require 30% of the total cost. This payment is non-refundable. Balance payment is due 4 weeks before arrival date in country. Ritzy Dunes will contact you to finalize your itinerary in the weeks prior to this. If payment is not received in time, Ritzy Dunes may have to cancel your itinerary and apply the relevant penalties. We take payment via Transfer (minimal charge depending on currency), and Paypal (incur a 5% charge).
  • Insurance: We recommend all travelers to take out travel insurance when they make their booking. Ritzy Dunes does not take responsibility for problems relating to unforeseeable circumstances or health problems which may result in injury to travelers or luggage loss.

• Price List: All costs are quoted in US dollars if not stated otherwise.

• Documents: The traveler is responsible for obtaining all the necessary documentation by the relevant authorities. The traveler is also responsible for obtaining the relevant travel information, including itineraries, airlines and hotels.

 Hotel Service: Ritzy Dunes is an intermediary and is not responsible for the quality of hotels and restaurants or for interruptions of the hotel/restaurants services.

• Force Majeure: Ritzy Dunes is not responsible for expenditures, loss, complaints, delays due to acts of nature that may affect the trip, including natural disasters, strikes, war, blockades, demonstrations, workforce dispute or interruption, earthquakes, climatic conditions or acts or restrictions imposed by local authorities or government.

Can Find Us Here

27 Augusta Trl, Palm Coast, FL 32137, USA.